Tag Archives: Africa

Deadly Drought in Zimbabwe-5

Good time for preda­tors Once more, we were faced with the inevitabil­ity of events. A few hun­dred meters from the camp, alerted by a group of vul­tures, we dis­cov­ered the car­cass of a young ele­phant, about three years old, it was one that … Con­tinue read­ing

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Deadly Drought in Zimbabwe-4

Bad time for ele­phant birth The clouds pass with­out rain. The sta­tus of the ani­mals becomes increas­ingly pre­car­i­ous and ele­phants die in num­bers. Weak­ened, the youngest are easy prey for preda­tors. We saw some unpleas­ant scenes. This morn­ing there was a calf, a few … Con­tinue read­ing

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Deadly Drought in Zimbabwe-3

More united zebras This morn­ing a zebra has been trapped by the mud after the crust of earth on which he had ven­tured sud­denly brooked under its feet. It was not as dif­fi­cult as an ele­phant, to res­cue. Although a cou­ple of … Con­tinue read­ing

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